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- How To Cite A Lab Manual In Apa
- How To Cite A User Manual In Apa 6th Edition
- How To Cite A Manual In Apa
Papers regarding infra-office and human resources matters often require that you consult with a company's employee manuals. Uniform citation guidelines help ensure that you properly reference books and literature when drafting your research paper's bibliography. The American Psychological Association (APA) does not. Citation Machine® helps students and professionals properly credit the information that they use. Cite your book in Modern Language Association 8th edition format for free. Basically, you can cite this user's manual just as you would any book-like publication. The only difference is that you don't cite the name of an author: User's Manual for Foo Instrument, Model Bar. Random City: XYZ Corporation (Year). Or whatever is the appropriate reference style for your work.
It is important that writers correctly cite materials so their readers can follow up on facts, and so they are not accused of plagiarism. Mac miller what's the use mp3 download mac. The citation of technical manuals in American Psychological Association format should follow the basic rules for citing printed books.
List the author or authoring organization. If the author is a person's name, the last name should appear first, followed by a comma and then the first name and middle initial (if applicable).
List the year of publication in parentheses, followed by a period. Make sure the period falls outside the parentheses.
List the title of the manual in italics, followed by a period. If there is a subtitle, the title and subtitle should be separated by a colon. The subtitle should also appear in italics.
List the city of publication, followed by a colon.
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List the name of the publisher, followed by a period.
Cite this ArticleChoose Citation Style
If you are conducting research on a product or service, you may reference a user manual or instructional guide in your paper. Whenever you reference a source in your work, cite it properly so your reader knows where you found your information. In American Psychological Association, APA, style, user manuals are cited as part of a product's information.
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Reference List
When you cite any information that is packaged with a product, the company is listed as the author, along with the year the product was made and the location of the company. APA formats this information like this:
Company name. (Year). Product name: Type of product info. Publisher location: Publisher.
Because the publisher is the company, the company's location will be listed as the publisher's location, and the publisher will simply be listed as 'Author'. For example:
Staples. (2014). Screen cleaning set: Instruction manual. Framingham, MA: Author.
User Manuals With Authors or Outside Publishers
When a product's user manual lists an author, list the author of the manual in place of the company name in your reference list citation:
Gates, B. (1995). Windows '95: User Guide. Redmond, WA: Microsoft.
If a user manual is published by an outside publisher, that publisher information is listed in place of the company information under 'publisher':
General Mills. (2002). Cheerios chess: Instructions. Seattle, WA: Wizards Games.
Citing a User Manual Found Online
If you are citing a user manual that you found online, include a link to the site from which it was retrieved:
Company name. (Year). Product title: Type of product information. Retrieved from URL.
For example:
Biohazard 3 sourcenext iso. Blizzard Entertainment. (1998). Starcraft: User manual. Retrieved from
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In-Text Citations
When you reference or quote a user manual in the text of your paper, include an in-text citation to show where the information comes from. The in-text citation will include the author name of a source -- in this case, the company name -- the year of publication and the page number, if applicable. For example:
How To Cite A Lab Manual In Apa
The product kit includes a screen cleaning solution, microfiber cloths, and a 'stain light' to check for scratches (Staples, 2014).
Windows users were instructed to troubleshoot and only reboot their computer as a last resort (Gates, 1995, p. 12).
If the author name or date of publication is included in the leading sentence of a reference, you do not need to include that information in your in-text citation. For example:
It is a very interactive format and can contain buttons, links, audio, video, form fields, business logic and even electronic signatures. It can capture fonts, images as well as document texts and can also format documents from many different programs.Most PDF viewers or the software used to view the PDF is provided free of charge. Alcatel lucent ip touch manual.
Blizzard describes Starcraft as being open to multiplayer formats such as 'Melee, Free for All, Greed, Slaughter, and Capture the Flag' (1998, p. 11).
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